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Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate)
General Description
Equipoise is the trade name of Boldenone Undecylenate, an anabolic androgenic steroid that was produced by Squibb in the 1970’s. Equipoise, known also as EQ, is a testosterone derived steroid with reduced androgenicity compared to testosterone. Boldenone is currently officially classified as a veterinary androgenic anabolic steroid, though in the beginning the drug showed some success in human medicine.
Equipoise is a structurally altered form of male hormone testosterone. A very insignificant change is an added double bond at the carbon one and two positions. This slight change greatly reduces the steroid’s androgenicity and estrogenic nature. Then the altered testosterone hormone is attached to a very large Undecylenate ester, which controls the release of the hormone after injection. The peak of release is approximately 3-4 days after administration, with a slow continuous release for around 3 weeks.
Equipoise aromatizes at approximately 50% the rate of testosterone due to its structural alteration. Thanks to that, the possibility of estrogenic side effects is very low with normal dosages. Considering this, Boldenone perfectly suits athletes who want to increase performance without gaining mass, beginners who want to start with a safe steroid with minimal side effects, and advanced users who wish to combine it with other steroids.
Equipoise has many similar properties to testosterone including: ability to enhance protein synthesis, increase nitrogen retention in the muscles, increase red blood cell count, inhibit glucocorticoid hormones, and increase IGF-1 output.
Effects of Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate)
Equipoise is mostly used for performance enhancement purposes. The drug promotes strength, endurance, speed, recovery process etc. With the right diet, Boldenone allows you to keep current mass or slightly change your weight according to personal goals. Unfortunately, the long detection time doesn’t allow many professional athletes to use the steroid. Boldenone detection time lasts up to five months.
Equipoise is also used as a cutting steroid. This steroid is capable of protecting lean muscle tissue during caloric deficit. It is especially effective when combined with other steroids that do not aromatise. Professional bodybuilders usually use Boldenone only during the first phase of the cutting cycle due to possible estrogenic activity. The steroid will normally be discontinued during the later phase of the plan to minimize estrogenic activity to the possible lowest point.
Boldenone can be used as a bulking steroid by novices. With the right diet, the steroid allows you to gain a moderate amount of lean mass with a minimum possibility of side effects. Equipoise is sometimes used for bulking by advanced bodybuilders, in combination with other steroids. Though EQ is not going to produce the same results as Deca, Dianabol, or Anadrol, the gained mass will be leaner. Also, the drug is capable of helping promote appetite for those who are struggling with consumption of needed calories.
Side effects of Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate)
Equipoise is considered a relatively mild steroid that has far fewer possible side effects than many other steroids. In fact, Equipoise is less estrogenic and less androgenic than regular testosterone, the hormone that the human body produces itself. Let’s consider the possible side effects of Boldenone by their origin.
Estrogenic side effects of Equipoise are possible, but very unlikely, with normal dosages. It has only 50 percent of the aromatizing power of testosterone. The possible estrogenic side effects are heavy water retention and gynecomastia. Those side effects can be reduced by Aromatase Inhibitors (AI) like Anastrozole or Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERM) like Nolvadex.
Androgenic side effects of Boldenone are also possible, but again less likely than many other androgenic anabolic steroids. Androgenic side effects strongly depend on genetic predisposition and include acne, baldness, oily skin, excessive hair growth all over the body, deepening of voice etc. Despite the reduced androgenicity of the steroid, compared to testosterone, Boldenone isn’t recommended for women due to possible androgenic side effects like virilization and clitoral enlargement, though some women use it in small doses without noticeable side effects. 5-alpha reductase inhibitors like Finasteride (Propecia) will not have a significant effect in combating the androgenic side effects caused by Equipoise.
Cholesterol related side effects of Equipoise are possible, but again highly unlikely for healthy people with normal dosage. Equipoise could negatively affect cholesterol levels, but the effects will be less than with most other androgenic anabolic steroids. So, if you have healthy levels before the cycle, you shouldn’t need to worry about this. When combining EQ with any other steroids that negatively affect cholesterol levels, you should regularly check your cholesterol and implement a healthy lifestyle and diet.
Natural testosterone suppression will definitely occur when using Boldenone. Though it’s less suppressive than lots of other steroids, it will cause a serious reduction in normal testosterone function. To avoid low testosterone levels during the cycle, most men use Boldenone in combination with testosterone. To recover natural testosterone levels after the cycle quickly, post cycle therapy (PCT) is required. The duration and drugs for PCT should be chosen according to the cycle.
Dosage of Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate)
Recommended Equipoise doses for men normally fall between 200 and 400 mgs per week. Most men tolerate even 400 mgs very well and do not have serious side effects. Due to the long activity of the steroid, it’s possible to inject it only once per week. But, for maintaining equal steroid activity it’s better to split the dosage into two injections per week. Furthermore, it helps to control side effects. The duration of the cycle should not be less than 8 weeks, the most common length of a Boldenone cycle is between 8 and 12 weeks. Advanced users often use 600 mgs per week or more. Equipoise combines well with most other steroids in different kinds of cycles for different purposes.
Advanced and professional female sportsmen can use Equipoise, but in very low doses. They should start with 50 mgs per week and observe possible side effects very intently. They should not increase dosage at least for a few weeks due to long acting Undecylenate esters. Some women are able to tolerate up to 100 mgs per week without serious side effects. The duration of the cycle should be 6-8 weeks maximum.
How to buy Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate)
Equipoise is available on the veterinary and black markets. Unfortunately, the veterinary market, at least in the US, requires a prescription and on the black market it is one of the most counterfeited steroids. Buying Equipoise online is still the easiest way to get it. You just have to be careful and choose brands that protect the drug with unique codes on their products, and of course, the online store should be reliable as well in order to ensure you are not being scammed.
Our online store offers many reliable brands of Boldenone at reasonable rates. Purchasing Boldenone from our website is very convenient, we guarantee privacy as well as fast and reliable delivery. Order Equipoise from our store to get the ultimate steroid experience.